Green White Square Cover Page

Green White Square Cover Page

You are finishing your physical education work but you have no idea what cover to have; without doubts with "Green White Square Cover Page" you would have the most suitable option for any person; either with its title and its blue lines all over the cover; wonderful without doubts.

In principle the cover would be divided in two by a line from the lower corner to the upper one; giving thus some lines without specific forms in blue color by the part of above dark blue and below a blue clarified.

A curious fact of this cover is that it is one of the few in which the title is at the end; to be precise in the lower left; likewise with blue color and a subtitle too.

Format .doc, .docx, .dotx, .dot
Compatible Microsoft Word, Google Docs, OpenOffice Writer
Dimensions A4 - 210mm x 297mm
Customizable Yes

Install Green White Square Cover Page

Centered we have the title and below the date in such a case just lets place the year that was made to look good. If you wish you could place a logo of your college or university on top for almost any use. Undoubtedly a fantastic idea for any job; excellent cover for lovers of blue.

At the end you will have the option of downloading with an icon in blue; once downloaded you just have to open the folder and access some of its Word files and thus you would have the cover available.

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